“I think it’s so important to help out as much as you can. If one person just helped one child…just helped ONE child…they would have done so much. You can do that, it would be beautiful, just to help one person would be a lot. It’s a big step forward…children all over the world are in such need.”
Michael Jackson
“The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
Albert Einstein
“The mission of Heal the World, my mission, is healing pure and simple.”
Michael Jackson chose to travel the world in search of both profound beauty and immeasurable suffering…feeling a calling from deep inside his soul, with a complete understanding of his chosen path. Keenly attuned to the needs of children around the world, his mantra was: What do you need and how can I help? Either with reactions or proactive visions, Michael sought to find ways to end the plight of children’s suffering. He was a man who aggressively believed in the possible, never entertaining the possibility of defeat, not waiting to be asked, but instead, unleashing the assets of his fame and fortune toward healing and change. Although the Guinness Book of World Records counted Michael’s charity support at 39, Michael simply helped out wherever and whenever…by word and deed. If there was a problem to be solved, he forged ahead, unleashing his energies and fertile imagination, Michael envisioned a Utopian world where no child would have to suffer. Not restricted by politics or competition, he worked tirelessly, loved unconditionally and gave, expecting nothing in return. Neverland Valley Ranch and Animal Sanctuary is a testament to Michael’s inexhaustible work and creative artistry which allowed children a
unique heaven to earth and earth to heaven experience. (Betelgeusemj Mcol) With a smile being the only currency owed…no child was left behind.
Great injustice informed Michael’s art. Beyond the experience, he profoundly believed in the power of people to make change. It never occurred to him that we couldn’t heal the world. NEVER. “If you’re not going to do it big, don’t bother!” And, big Michael did. Six weeks before he died, Michael declared his intentions to build the biggest children’s hospital in the world, where beauty and play would be an integral part of healing. His wages from his O2 performances would finance the project. His life was taken before he could begin.
Michael felt pain deeply…his own and the pain of others. He spent his life creating astounding artistry meant to reveal and inspire humanity, capturing our hearts and souls. We are left with his love…and, his pleas:
Michael Jackson’s Fan Community is estimated to be more than a third of a billion. Each fan feels a personal connection to Michael’s heart. And, each is searching for ways to continue Michael’s messages. Diverse, colorful, heartfelt…groups gather together with massive efforts to change the world into a haven of joy and love.
Michael’s Dream Foundation is a children’s charity with a worldwide mission. We believe that children need as much love and guidance to aid in their growth, health and their happiness.
Over the last few years, MDF has found different ways to send love to many children through the gift of Michael’s Dream Boxes…filled with toys, books, games, and of course, lots of love.
This year, we proudly present Michael’s Dream Flowers…a global project where schools and families are asked to make sunflowers out of anything that is suitable…so they can send them to the USA and also place them on our website for everyone to see. Our foundation is hoping to raise funds by asking for donations for the flowers that the children have made with the funds gathered to help our future projects.
Each year, these lovely flowers will be placed at Michael’s final resting place and arranged in a garden-like setting with windmills and butterflies.
Michael loved helping the world. He loved giving what he could to children just to know they would be happy. We are asking the children around the world if they would like to remember a great humanitarian by giving him his favorite flowers made by each one of them…separately, as groups, and in classrooms.
We have contacted several children’s book authors to help us with a supply of educational and inspirational books that are about saving the planet and healing our world. We will send them to schools so Michael’s humanitarian work will be embraced by future generations.
If this is something you would like for your children to participate in, please visit our website www.michaelsdreamfoundation.org for more information about our charity. Thank you and we look forward to your kind response.
(A letter from Happy and the Children)
Our sunflower drawing update: The children are making the sunflower drawings…they are participating a lot. They have made great circles where they will put their art pieces. I sacrifice all my time to help these children because I was born to bring peace and change. We can make the world a better place for all kinds of people. I love you, Happy.
“The innocence of children represents to me the source of infinite creativity and I feel this is where all my creative source comes from. This is not an intellectual kind of intelligence, but, an intelligence that is full of wonder, mystery, and adventure. In this intelligence there is love, there is trust, there is joy, and there is beauty. It’s the kind of intelligence that will heal the world. That is why I am here…and, that is why we are here.”
~In Loving Memory of Linda Dee who, with her beautiful heart, gave full support and wanted to be a part of MICHAEL’S DREAM FLOWERS~